The cssMap now contains the rendered css together with its hash. That way there is no need to give a component a name, and css is rendered along the way and carried as a string.
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62 lines
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module Components
( Prop(..)
, Component(..)
, new
, (<.>)
, addCss
, addAsset
, addAsset'
, getBody
, getCss
, getAssets
) where
import Clay ( Css )
import Core.Render ( )
import Core.Writer
import Data.Hashable ( hash )
import qualified Data.IntMap as Map
import Routes
import Utils.FileTree
-- |Props are data on top of a component's html. They are aggregated when components are combined. The choice of structures for Prop ensures that there is no duplicate at compile time (e.g. the css of a button used 5 times is only rendered once.)
data Prop = Prop
{ cssMap :: Map.IntMap String
, assetsTree :: FileTree
instance Semigroup Prop where
p1 <> p2 = Prop { cssMap = Map.union (cssMap p1) (cssMap p2)
, assetsTree = assetsTree p1 <> assetsTree p2
instance Monoid Prop where
mempty = Prop Map.empty mempty
type Component = Writer Prop
-- |Add a name and css to a Prop.
addCss :: Css -> Component ()
addCss css = tell $ Prop (Map.singleton cssHash cssString) mempty
cssString = show css
cssHash = hash cssString
-- |Add an asset to the Prop's tree.
addAsset :: FilePath -> Component ()
addAsset fp = tell $ Prop Map.empty (build fp)
addAsset' :: Route -> Component ()
addAsset' r = tell $ Prop Map.empty (build' r)
-- |Get a Component's body
getBody :: Component a -> a
getBody = fst . runWriter
-- |Get a Component's Css
getCss :: Component a -> String
getCss = mconcat . map snd . Map.toList . cssMap . snd . runWriter
-- |Get a Component's assets tree
getAssets :: Component a -> FileTree
getAssets = assetsTree . snd . runWriter