Hamburger icon.

Can be clicked to toggle between hamburger and cross. The hamburger must
be called with an Int as id (`hamburger 0` e.g.), and a function
`onHamburgerChecked :: Int -> Selector` gives the selector to use side
This commit is contained in:
Etienne Werly 2023-07-04 15:43:34 +02:00
parent 6851bd1600
commit f8d5cfc404
5 changed files with 66 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ library

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@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
module Kit.Atoms.Hamburger where
import Clay as C
import Components
import Data.Text ( pack )
import Kit.Constants.Colors
import Kit.Constants.Spacing as S
import Text.Blaze.Html5 as H
import Text.Blaze.Html5.Attributes as A
import Utils.Clay
hamburger :: Int -> Component Html
hamburger id = do
addCss css
return $ do
H.input H.! A.type_ "checkbox" H.! hamId
H.! class_ "hamburger"
H.! A.for hamId
H.! A.checked "false"
$ mconcat
$ (H.div H.!)
. class_
<$> ["top", "middle", "bottom"]
<*> pure mempty
hamId = textValue hamId'
hamId' = pack $ "hamburger" <> show id
css = do
C.input # byId hamId' ? do
display none
byClass "hamburger" & do
C.width <> C.height $ huge
display flex
flexDirection column
justifyContent spaceAround
C.div ? do
C.width (pct 100)
backgroundColor $ primary @ 50
paddingTop <> paddingBottom $ tiny
uniform borderRadius (pct 30)
transition "all" (sec 0.3) easeInOut (sec 0)
byClass "top" & do
transformOrigin [nil, nil]
byClass "bottom" & do
transformOrigin [nil, pct 100]
onHamburgerChecked id |~ byClass' "hamburger" ? do
C.div ? backgroundColor (secondary @ 50)
byClass' "top" ? transform (rotate (deg 45))
byClass' "bottom" ? transform (rotate (deg (-45)))
byClass' "middle" ? transform (scaleY 0)
onHamburgerChecked :: Int -> Selector
onHamburgerChecked id =
C.input # byId (pack $ "hamburger" <> show id) # C.checked

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@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ scale :: Double
scale = 1.2
-- |Vertical spaces sizes
tiny, small, regular, large, huge :: Size LengthUnit
tiny, small, regular, large, huge, giant :: Size LengthUnit
tiny = ex 0.25
small = ex 0.5
regular = ex 1

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@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ module Kit.Templates.Index
import Components
import Core.Render
import Hakyll
import Kit.Atoms.Hamburger
import Kit.Atoms.Section
import Kit.Molecules.Bricklayer
import Kit.Molecules.Tag
@ -29,7 +30,7 @@ indexBody :: Component Html
indexBody =
<> (section' <.> bricklayer <*> mconcat
[pure "$for(pages)$", blogCard dummy, pure "$endfor$"]
[pure "$for(pages)$", blogCard dummy, pure "$endfor$", hamburger 0]
indexCtx :: Tags -> [Item String] -> Context String

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@ -1,10 +1,16 @@
module Utils.Clay
( uniform
, byClass'
) where
import Clay
import Clay.Selector
import Control.Monad ( join )
import Data.Text ( Text )
-- |Takes a function with signature a -> a -> a -> a -> b and makes it signature a -> b with the argument repeated 4 times.
uniform :: (a -> a -> a -> a -> b) -> (a -> b)
uniform = join . join . join
-- |Get a selector from byClass.
byClass' :: Text -> Selector
byClass' c = selectorFromText "" # byClass c